We recently began Topic 2 in our Envision Math Program (we complete Topic 1 after Topic 4). Our classwork pages say Solve and Share, Guided Practice, and Independent Practice. The Solve and Share is typically small group work and the Guided Practice is completed as a whole class. The Independent Practice side is for the students to try on their own. We always go over the answers together afterwards. That's why you might see the children make check or correct marks on their papers. The back side of the Independent Practice is labeled Math Practices and Problem Solving and this page is optional at this point in the year.
Most children are not yet fluent in reading and writing, so feel free to provide as much help as you need to on the homework. When the students write in class, I don't spell the words for them but I do provide the letters that make the sounds. Homework at this grade level is completely optional. You can choose what activities, if any, you would like for your child to complete at home. I will always check the completed homework, so please send it back so I can see all the hard work your son or daughter has done! :) If you choose to have your child complete the homework, he/she should not spend any more than 10-15 minutes on it per night. As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for all of your support at home!