Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Principal's Award- Michael

Congratulations to Michael for winning the Principal's Award for the week of 10/2/23.

Morning Meetings with Mrs. Remian

Every month our school adjustment counselor, Mrs. Remian, visits each classroom in the school for morning meeting. 

Visit from Teddy

Mrs. Ramos' Goldendoodle puppy, Teddy, visited our class on Friday during our WINN Block.  We love when he comes to visit!  

Tricky Words

Here are all of the tricky words we have learned so far in CKLA skills.  The underlined parts of the word cannot be sounded out and have to be memorized.  Please help your child read and write these words on a regular basis.


National Custodian Appreciation Day

Monday, October 2nd, was National Custodian Appreciation Day.  Our class made a card for our three amazing custodians at CES.  Mr. Scott, Mr. John, and Mr. Matt are the BEST!  


Principal's Award- Olivia

Congratulations to Olivia on winning the Principal's Award for the week of 9/25/23.

Indoor Recess and Morning Tubs

Our class is so creative and loves to build and play!   

Happy 7th Birthday, Colton!

Happy 7th birthday to Colton!  We hope you had a fabulous day!